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Microbes: Contributing Towards Better Heart Health

The kind of food that we eat plays a large role in the overall functioning of our bodies. The fuel that we give our bodies will entail the overall health that one experiences, and will also have an impact on the way the body processes this food.

One component in our bodies that has become increasingly popular for the purpose of promoting overall health is the functioning of microbiomes. The is a word that is used to refer to a colony of microbes that are currently residing within the guts and intestines at any given moment. While it may seem like some kind of bacteria in our bodies is not the ideal thing to have, these are in fact beneficial bacteria that help the body improve its processes and aid digestions. The microbes within the body go through several processes which help them convert the food that we eat into components that fuel the bodily functions. These can be essential to maintain one’s overall health, and a drop in these can pose a number of health problems for the individual.

Microbe Intricacies

Understanding the reaction between microbes and your body is essential, especially when taking the decision to lead a healthier lifestyle. A study that was confused at Harvard University showcased the co-relation between the two and demonstrated the impact that good gut flow would have on an individual. The study also showcased the impact that good gut flow could have on a person by showing their reduction of risks to chronic diseases like diabetes, heart defects, and cancer.

One of the main kinds of microbes that this study tried to focus on was trimethylamine (TMA). This is a kind of microbe that mainly feeds on the choline that is obtained from things like meat, fish, eggs and several other kinds of food. When the body is undergoing its digestive processes, this component is converted into trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), which is something that leads to the formation of a kind of plaque. This plaque is useful when trying to tackle problems that would arise out of clogged arteries. A study conducted by the American Heart Association showcased the impact that TMA had on the overall functioning of the body and its contribution to better heart health. The studies showcased immense positive results in favor of microbes, thereby demonstrating their importance in our bodies. The study also came upon the realization that having the right levels of TMA in the body can also contribute to a lowered risk of heart conditions like heart attacks and strokes.

Higher TMAO levels also pose a significant amount of problems for those who are encountering them. Even though this is a microbe that is essential for the body to function well, an increase in the amount of this bacteria can lead to a higher amount of heart and other related problems. The study that was performed demonstrated that patients who had higher levels were at a higher chance of encountering some kind of heart disorders. There were also links that were discovered between the mortality rate and higher levels of TMAO.

Because of the impact that extreme levels of TMAO can have on the body, the need to maintain the right levels is something that is incredibly essential. This is something that can allow an individual to lead a healthier life and can contribute to lowered risks that they would otherwise face as a result of fluctuating levels.

In addition to heart conditions, extreme levels of TMAO can also lead to a host of other related conditions., Diabetes, high blood pressure, and bone and muscle inflammation are all things that can be caused as a result of these abnormal levels. These are disorders that can be tackled easily if the right kind of care is taken on before the symptoms of these disorders tend to appear.

Beneficial Impact Of Microbes

There is no doubt that the right amount of microbes can be incredibly beneficial for the overall functioning of the body. Because of the higher link that TMAO tends to face with cardiovascular function, having the right levels can already put you within the lowered range of getting these disorders. Because of this, understanding the kind of routes that one should take when trying to achieve this is something that is incredibly important.

High fiber foods are considered to be one of the best when it comes to maintaining the right levels of TMAO in the body. High fiber foods tend to have a better reaction with the microbes in the body, thereby leading to the production of short chain fatty acids. These acids aid the overall digestive processes within the body, which can further contribute to better regulation within the body.

It is important to note that the microbes that are naturally present in the body are not the same as probiotics that are generally found in fermented foods. While these special foods may have the kind of beneficial microbes that the body needs, they are not enough when considering the overall impact that it has on the body. Things like yogurt and other fermented foods can improve your digestive processes and improve the symptoms of things like irritable bowel syndrome; there is very limited evidence to support the claim that these are enough to improve the levels of TMAO in the body.

Interactions With Blood Pressure Levels

One of the biggest changes that one experiences when they have the right kind of microbes within the body is an improvement in their blood sugar levels. Having low or high blood sugar levels can lead to a host of problems that need to be often tackled at the earliest. By improving the TMAO levels, the body can better regulate the blood pressure levels, which is also something that contributes to better heart health.

In addition to working well to regulate blood sugar levels, having the right amount of microbes can also contribute to better kidney functioning and overall blood flow within the body.

The content on this page is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice. Patients should not use the information presented on this page for diagnosing a health-related issue or disease. Before taking any medication or supplements, patients should always consult a physician or qualified healthcare professional for medical advice or information about whether a drug is safe, appropriate or effective.

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